
Not In My Name

In the name of all that is good and right!! How low have we sunk as a nation that rabid, close-minded hate-mongers like this creature can be elected to represent us? First I want to apologize to my European neighbors for another outburst from the so-called representatives of the UK. Secondly, I beg, plead, with anyone in any country that needs an overweight software engineer to get in touch! I will happily renounce my citizenship because this small-minded group of bigots have drained me of every last drop of pride I may have had at being British. Ann Widdecombe Likens Brexit to Slaves Rising Up Against Their Owners

Thinking Aloud

I have, of late, found myself wanting to muse, or rant, on some issue or another. Some times it may be about something that has happened to me or something I've seen. Sometimes it might be in reaction to a news story. There are times I have given in to the need and bored my few Facebook followers with a TL;DR; kind of a post, but maybe that is the wrong medium, so I've chosen to come back to a place I used to frequent, namely Blogger. This blog has no theme, it's more a "stream of consciousness" kind of a deal. Feel free to follow, link or share. You are just as free to comment if you feel the need.